

Images are provided in digital format only. All file formats are available.


Not all images are available for stock usage. Please check with us to confirm that the image you want is available for stock usage.


Payment can be in Canadian $, US $, or Euros, and must be made by cheque, money order, PayPal or credit card (through a PayPal account). 50% of the total fee is due up-front, with the remaining 50% due upon receipt of digital image files.


Discounts will be given for multiple images or uses.

Using images for web use

Fee for web use is $200 U.S./image ($300 Cdn or €200 Euros), but fees may vary higher or lower based on size, placement and geographic target. For a specific quote, indicate the image you are interested in, the web site’s address you intend to use the image on, and how the image will be used.


Please contact us to get a quote for usage of the image you would like to use. Prices will vary depending on expected distribution, number of usages, and location in the publication.