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Making Your Event Video Production More Sustainable


Video production may not be the first industry you think of when it comes to sustainability. However, films and videos can produce a lot of carbon footprint. According to reports, the average big-budget film produces 2,840 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.

People nowadays are becoming more and more aware of the effects of our actions on the environment. As such, it’s important to find every opportunity to become more sustainable. This is applicable even for event coverage services.

Sustainable Practices in The Video Production Process

Sustainable practices are those we can do to reduce the negative effects of our actions on the environment. With the current climate, it is crucial to take every opportunity we have to practice sustainability.

Are you looking to add sustainable practices to your business? Here are simple yet effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint at every event video coverage.

Educate yourself with sustainable video production processes

Sustainable practices are still a relatively young concept. It’s important to educate yourself about sustainability, especially in video production. Luckily, there are plenty of resources to tap into. If possible, seek the help of experts in sustainable video production.

Estimate your carbon footprint

Armed with more knowledge, you will have a better idea of how much carbon footprint each event video coverage can produce. Making an estimate lets you be more aware of your actions and processes. This awareness will help you find areas where you can reduce your carbon footprint.

Go paperless

This is probably one of the simplest ways you can contribute to sustainable practices. With existing technology, everything can be done online. Creating documents, sending documents, scheduling, and the like; can be done via email and other production management apps.

Find energy-efficient alternatives

Using LED lights instead of incandescent lighting can make a big difference. Also, for events held outdoors in Toronto, ON, take advantage of natural light. Lastly, use rechargeable batteries for your gear and invest in solar-powered tools for outdoor shoots.

Rent, not buy

There may be equipment that you need for specific shoots. Instead of buying them, opt for renting to reduce your carbon footprint. Only spend on equipment that you know will be used long-term.

Do remote meetings

The past 2 years have made us realize that there are a lot of meetings that can be done online. Remote meetings are more efficient and lessen the production of carbon footprints.

Well-Planned, Sustainable Event Coverage Services

Ample planning is an effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. This avoids any unnecessary trips and purchases. It also gives you more opportunities to evaluate your practices and think of sustainable alternatives.

At Gold Media, our goal is to practice sustainable event video production. We understand the impact of our actions on the environment. As such, we want to contribute to being champions of sustainable business practices.

If you’re looking for professional video production services in Toronto, ON that care about the environment, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more!

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